Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wow...THAT was great

After a REALLY busy week, we had Stake Conference. I really needed it. I was commenting to some friends today after it was over about how much I liked it and also how I try to gauge my personal development by my initial reactions to what is said. If I think to myself, "Wow, I was just thinking about that" or "I just decided to do that", I feel pretty good about myself and try to keep on keepin on. If I don't have a reaction quite like that, I know I have been letting my scripture study get sloppy or that I just haven't been as diligent. Its not necessarily a tried and fast method, but it's pretty helpful.

In other news, I heard a really great story last night about some woman who named her twins "Orangejello" and "Lemonjello", pronounced "Oränjello" and "Lemónjello". I laughed myself to sleep. I'm not sure that's ever happened before.

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