Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wherefore dost it snow?

This past week has been a tad challenging, but rewarding nonetheless. Things are always so much easier when you just decide from the get-go that you're going to remain upbeat. At the beginning of the semester I found myself, for the first tie ever, really nervous and a little overwhelmed because of the workload that I had. It was my own fault, of course, that I had so much to do, but, having pushed myself so hard, I now know that I am capable of even more.

My brother leaves the MTC in about 3 weeks. I'm so excited for him. I find myself wondering what I can write to him - he's going to a different part of the world and speaking a radically different language than I did. The only thing we'll have in common is the doctrine of the gospel. I try to always write him something inspiring with a doctrinal lesson that helped me help the people I love and served.

It's snowing.

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